Do What You Love!

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When you have taken steps to understand how you feel about yourself, you start loving and appreciating yourself (previous blog on Relationships: How do you feel about you?). You will have created space allowing yourself to start loving your life, to start doing things that you love.  This doesn’t just apply to your career but to all aspects of your life.

You may have no idea what you love to do or you may have a hobby that you could turn into something you can earn a living from. So, the question is what do you really love to do? No, idea?  Then maybe it is time to find out. If you read my blog on Having Fun, you are never too old to have fun.  This could be your starting point to discover what you love to do and actually turn it into something you can earn a living from.  This can be a time for trying new things, things that you may have never experienced.  “If you don’t do it, you will never know and you may live to regret it later on.”

This could be a time that is scary but if you allow yourself to face your fear (see blog on Fear), you can move forward to new horizons.

Create a list things that you would like to experience. Maybe you have been putting off things so you owe it to yourself to stop PROCRASTINATING and NOW is the time to experience them for real.

If you taken the time to let go of the past, you no longer live there and you no longer are anxious about the future.  You are now living in the present.  You can now DECIDE how you want to live your life NOW. You are taking responsibility – the ability to respond to how you want life to be.

If you look at my blogs from last year, there are strategies to help you overcome your fears and anxieties and move forward.  I used all of these strategies and I still use them to help me, maybe not as much but they are tools in my toolbox.  I am truly loving life. I appreciate everything and everyone and when I feel challenged I use my tools to let go, so I can be present to NOW.

LIFE IS NOW, even when you think of your past or future.  You are experiencing everything NOW.  So why not create life that you LOVE?

Please take the time to look at the previous blogs from last year.

Thank you for tuning in.  Don’t forget to post a comment if you enjoyed reading this and feel free to share this with one person who may benefit from it.

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3 thoughts on “Do What You Love!”

  1. Living in the now moment is so important. If we live in the past or the future, we miss out on what is happening in front of our noses. And yes, having fun! Thank you for the follow, Alisha. I’d click the like button but it seems to have gone AWOL 🙁

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