Empower You to Inspiration

I aspire to inspire until I expire

My Motto is

“I aspire to empower and inspire until I expire.”

So how can I empower you to be inspired?

Sometimes we can get stuck and we feel there is no way forward.  Trust me, there is always a solution, if only we focus on the solution instead of the problem.  Look at where you want to go or what you would like to achieve instead of where you have been or where you are. Even from where you are, you can focus on what you have and what you are grateful for instead of focusing on how bad it is.

When my mum was in hospital, instead of focusing on how bad the National Health Service is (medical service in the UK), I focused on being grateful for it and how they were going to help my mum get better. My mum had lost her confidence when she had her operation because she had stitches down her chest and she couldn’t even look at herself in the mirror.  I asked her to focus on being grateful for being alive and how she was going to live her life now she was given another chance at life. About 3 months later she had full recovery and went on a holiday to India. My mother is a huge inspiration to me. She is 80 years old and lives on her own.

You know, Happiness is an inside job.  Nothing or no one can make you happy. The new handbag, new shoes, the big house, fast car etc…. These are all temporary. So what doesn’t change and last forever? Breathe, Surrender and Observe, Let Go.  Get Quiet and this is where everything lies, the TRUTH, HAPPINESS, EVERYTHING!

When you start living your life from this place, you will definitely be inspired and maybe you might be able to empower another.  Who knows what you will be able to do. It is definitely a happier place.

Thank you for tuning in.  Don’t forget to post a comment if you enjoyed reading this and feel free to share this with one person who may benefit from it.

namaste pic

2 thoughts on “Empower You to Inspiration”

  1. Lina thank you for sharing such a personal take on this and your post is so true you need to be happy and grateful within yourself, materialism doesn’t help.

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