Road to Wellness…. Be inspired

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There is so much information out there, we are bombarded by it.  It can be confusing and overwhelming at times.

Information is what INFORMS you of something. We can obtain knowledge by loading up on information but real wisdom is knowing how to apply this knowledge, knowing what is real. When you become inspired you will be guided by your own wisdom.

Inspiration is what INSPIRES YOU. When someone is inspired, it feels like miracles are starting to happen.  You feel free to Be, Do and Have anything you wish.  You meet the right people and the right circumstances appear. You become who you truly are and you start living your life from this place.

You can create this by becoming quiet in your mind by meditating and you can do this anywhere and anytime. Wayne Dyer and Abraham  talk about how to become inspired. You start creating the life you want! 

In the past it may have seemed like we don’t have choices and life just happens but in fact it’s always been a choice of how we can live our lives. It’s all up to you!

NOW, what have you decided?

If you were holding hot coals in your hands, what happens if you CHOOSE to hold onto them, your hands will get burnt OR you can CHOOSE to let go. You can discriminate and DECIDE what you want for yourself.

Thank you for tuning in.  Don’t forget to post a comment if you enjoyed reading this and feel free to share this with one person who may benefit from it.

namaste pic

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