Beacon of Light… Bhumika Patel

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Hi all

Last year I met some amazing individuals who are Beacons of Light, they bring light where it is dark. Their compassion to serve humanity inspired me.

One such individual was Bhumika Patel.  She loves Indian fashion. She employs tailors from local villages in india to creates beautiful Indian fashion. She then sends the proceeds to India, to create schooling for underprivileged and orphaned girls in India. Bhumika has a vision to help these girls.  She explained to me that she has helped to fund installing toilets into the schools and is now working on raising more funds to further improve the living conditions.

During Bhumika’s visits to India, she came to see how harsh some of the living conditions are. She visited two Ashrams for orphaned and underprivileged girls and it brought her to tears. These girls come from slum equivalent areas in the forest, where they still have an outdated style of thinking that girls should not be educated. Education is also not readily available to those who cannot afford it, and so this combined effect leaves little chance for these girls to obtain even a basic education. However, feeling sorry for them wasn’t going to be much help – something had to be done!

I interviewed her to find out what we can do to help. Here is her interview, enjoy…

Click here to get to know more about Bhumika and her mission to help .

Thank you for tuning in.  Don’t forget to post a comment if you enjoyed reading this and feel free to share this with one person who may benefit from it.

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